The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) welcomes the progress made in implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) in the North Western Waters.
In its advice for fishing opportunities for 2023, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) reported more widely use of ecosystem data to determine the details of advice for stocks in the Irish Sea. The NWWAC is particularly pleased about this result following its active participation in the ICES WKIrish project since its inception in 2014. This project focused on EBFM in the Irish Sea. The NWWAC organised a webinar in April 2021 on the WKIrish outcomes to prepare its advice to the European Commission on including the project results in the fisheries management decisions, not only in the Irish Sea, but also in other areas of the North Western Waters.
The concept of EBFM embeds all three pillars of sustainability - environment, social aspects and economy. Emiel Brouckaert, Chair of the NWWAC, commented:
“The NWWAC believes in the importance of applying a holistic approach to fisheries management, considering the entire ecosystem. This is clearly reflected in our inclusive work plan for 2022-2023. While balancing a large breadth of fisheries-related policies and issues, our work plan reflects the importance of moving towards ecosystem-based fisheries management”.
This is reflected in the agendas for the upcoming NWWAC plenary meetings, happening on 13-15 March 2023 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, with remote attendance possible. Topics to be discussed include offshore renewables and Marine Protected Areas. More information is available on, under “Meetings”. Registration requests can be sent to the NWWAC Secretariat
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Notes to editors
The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) is one of 11 fisheries Advisory Councils across Europe, generating multi-stakeholder advice to feed into the European Commission and Member States on key fisheries policy developments affecting their area of competence. NWWAC advice focuses on matters related to EU fisheries management and ecosystem considerations in the Irish Sea, the Celtic Seas and the Channel.
NWWAC website English:
NWWAC Secretariat contact: Mo Mathies | | T: +353 1 2144 143 |
M: +353 87 238 2136