The 2007 World Seafood Congress provided a most appropriate backdrop to the recent North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) meetings in Dublin. The NWWRAC Executive Committee and Annual General Assembly met on the 27-28th September 2007 to review a year filled with debates, challenges, and successes in the European fishing arena.
Cod stocks in the North Sea and North Western Waters are capable of recovery, a major symposium on cod recovery has heard.
The failing EU Cod Recovery Programme has prompted the North Western Waters and the North Sea Regional Advisory Councils to host a joint Symposium on Cod Recovery on 9 and 10 March next in Edinburgh. The Symposium, one of the most critical debates ever held on EU Cod Recovery, is set to offer findings that will inform the RACs’s advice to the EU Fisheries Commission on their soon to be revised Cod Recovery Programme.