15 March 2023
Contact: Mo Mathies | mo.mathies@nwwac.ie
T: +353 1 2144 143 | M: +353 87 238 2136
At its Spring meetings in Santiago de Compostela on 15 March the North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) launched its 2023 NWWAC Fisheries Management Chart.
Now in its third year of publication, the NWWAC Fisheries Management Chart depicts the NWWAC remit area and collates various management measures that fishers in the North Western Waters have to comply with on a daily basis. These management measures are a broad set of rules that govern how, where and when fishers may fish.
Emiel Brouckaert, Chair of the NWWAC, commented:
“We are delighted to make this publication available again this year following its first publication in 2021. Members and observers alike have appreciated the availability of such a chart as a printed medium in addition to the NWWAC’s online ACFishMap tool.”
The NWWAC Fisheries Management Chart presents information useful for fishery activities in the North Western Waters in a user-friendly format. It includes information on measures to achieve the objectives of the Common Fishery Policy. Also details on closures of areas and on the obligation to land all catches are reflected.
Of particular interest to fishers in the North Western Waters is information on the 51 TAC quota stocks within the scope of the NWWAC. These are included as a table detailing the species, area, the EU identification code and the EU TAC for 2023.
Additional information of interest to fisheries management in the North Western Waters is again included in the form of several smaller maps:
- Fishing effort
- Nephrops Functional Units
- Fishing rights in the 6 – 12 mile zones
- Information on the Channel Islands
- An overview of offshore wind farm projects both in operation and under construction, as well as in the various stages of planning
- The NEAFC regulatory area and fishery management regions.
The chart also reflects the changes following Brexit by clearly distinguishing UK waters from EU waters.
The NWWAC Fisheries Management Chart 2023 is available in the NWWAC’s three working languages (English, French, Spanish) in print and as a pdf file which can be found on the NWWAC’s website www.nwwac.org under “Publications”.
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Notes to editors
The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) is one of 11 fisheries Advisory Councils across Europe, generating multi-stakeholder advice to feed into the European Commission and Member States on key fisheries policy developments affecting their area of competence. NWWAC advice focuses on matters related to EU fisheries management and ecosystem considerations in the Irish Sea, the Celtic Seas and the Channel.
NWWAC website English: https://www.nwwac.org/english
NWWAC website French: https://www.nwwac.org/francaise
NWWAC website Spanish: https://www.nwwac.org/espanola
NWWAC Secretariat contact: Mo Mathies | mo.mathies@nwwac.ie | T: +353 1 2144 143 |
M: +353 87 238 2136